Check out our exceptional selection of ammunition and cartridges for rifle from the prestigious Winchester brand, offered in different calibers, at competitive prices. Buy online and get fast shipping anywhere in Canada.

Sportèque vous offre une exceptionnelle sélection de munitions et de cartouches de la légendaire marque Winchester, spécialement conçues pour les carabines et pour répondre aux besoins de tous les amateurs de chasse, et des adeptes de tir sportif et de tir à la cible partout à travers le Québec et au Canada.

Founded in the United States in 1856 by Oliver Winchester, the manufacturer of Winchester firearms and ammunition is, along with Colt and Remington, one of America's oldest ammunition and cartridge manufacturing companies. With over 150 years of history, Winchester has always made sure to offer ammunition and cartridges with superior design, increased durability, and exceptional precision. Choose from our Winchester cartridges and ammunition, including Winchester polymer tip cartridges and Winchester rifle hunting ammunition, available in a multitude of calibers.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about Winchester ammunition and cartridges, available calibres, prices, or our other services, we invite you to contact us. Buy your Winchester ammo and cartridges online and get fast shipping anywhere in Quebec and Canada.