Check out our exceptional selection of rimfire ammunition and bullets, available in various calibers, from CCI, Winchester, Federal American Eagle, Eley, and more, at a competitive price. Buy online and get shipping anywhere in Canada.

Sporteque offers you a remarkable inventory of rimfire ammunition and bullets for rimfire rifles, designed for hunters, sports shooters and shooting club members throughout Canada and Quebec

Choose from our range of rimfire ammunition, including .22 caliber ammunition,.22 caliber long ammunition and more, CCI, Winchester, Federal American Eagle, Eley, Lapua and Hornady brands.

Any questions?

If you need more information about our rimfire ammunition, the calibers available, and our prices, don't hesitate to contact us by email, by phone, or come meet us directly in our store in Drummondville. Buy your rimfire ammunition online and get quick shipping anywhere in Quebec and Canada!